Landing Page Designing

Key Facts of A Perfect Landing Page

Putting everything together to develop and design an A+ landing page can be tricky.

Let's discuss what Groveus, one of the best Website Company in India, thinks about designing a perfect landing page.

The thing is, there is no exact formula to making a perfect landing page in Siliguri, West Bengal. But there are some key points to increase your chances of making a winning landing page for your business. There are lots of elements that a top-notch landing page needs, and making those elements the "best" they can be often depends on what your landing page's targets are.For example, let's talk about the form length. It's just one of the many components you need to optimize, but best practices will tell you that both short and long forms perform well - it all depends on whether you want to generate a lot of (potentially) lower quality form submissions, or a smaller number of higher quality submissions. Some pages convert much better with shorter landing pages while others do better with really long sales letters. It's just something you need to do trial and error with.

If you're looking for great ideas on where to start with your landing page design in Siliguri, West Bengal, the info-graphic below is a great place to begin with. But remember, after you build your first landing page you must continually test variations to improve your conversion metrics. At least Groveus thinks that will be the best practices for a perfect landing page.

Landing Page of a Website

Landing Page Should Be The Summariztaion of Your Business in Siliguri, West Bengal
And Should Be Able To Communicate With The Visitor So Easyly.

Page Headlines And Ad Relation in Siliguri.

  • The landing page headline and the advertisement wording should connected to each other.

  • The Ad Words score allows a site to discover the cost per click. That score can be improved by having consistent between the ad message and the landing page text.
Keep It Above The Fold

  • The space a visitor sees without having to scroll is where the most important parts of the webpage should be.

  • Place the call to action button above the fold and in a location where the viewer's eye will scan to. Never have the button in a place where it has to be searched for.
Clear And Concise Headline

  • The first part visitor visits is the landing page so the landing page headline should not be confuse, bore or lengthy, but compel a visitor to have a closer look.

  • Addressing a specific point that is related to the content of the website will catch a reader's attention more than having a vague and uninteresting headline.

Go Easy On The Links

  • Links connecting the user to too many other sites or pages will distract them and have negative impact on conversions.

  • Lots of links may make sense on a regular homepage, but on a lading page simplicity is the key.

Taking Advantage of trust Indicators

  • For an effective way of building trust, incorporate testimonials, press mentions, guarantee seals and 3rd party trust and security certification (Better Business Bureau, VeriSign,etc.).

  • When eye glasses and lens company ACLense began using VeriSign, they saw a 41% increase in conversions and a 58% increase in revenue per transaction. The same can happen with any online landing page.

Use A Strong Call To Action

  • After a visitor reads the landing page headline, it is crucial that they know what to do next.

  • In the case of Mozilla Firefox, when they changed their call to action from "Try Firefox 3" to "Download Now - Free", it outperformed the original call to action by 3.6% and had a confidence level of over 99%, resulting in 500 more downloads during the time of the test.

Button and Call To Actions

  • Identify the keywords people interested in your service might be searching for and use words such as "Free", "new", "buy" or "download now".

  • A conversion button should stand out and be placed right below a call to action or have the call to action as the button. Nonetheless, the button should be big, bright and above where a user would have to scroll to it.
  • Orange or Yellow buttons for a call to action help to catch a viewer's eye.
Always Be Testing

  • Optimize a landing page for conversion over time. Run A/B tests, change copy, images and call to actions to see what resonates most with users.

  • In addition to A/B testing, testing two completely different site designs against each other will be beneficial in the long run. (A/B testing is where baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single variable test samples in order to improve response rates.)

Use Images and Videos

  • Implementing motivational speeches, videos of user testimonials and product images into a home page can have a positive impact on viewers, as well as give shoppers an extra push to look further into a product.
Impeccable Grammar

  • In the example of an online retailer who is asking for visitors to purchase and provide personal and billing information, the trust of the customer will be risked if there are spelling errors and sloppy grammar.

What types of colors are good for different sites?

Colors that will entice a viewer will vary among different sites. Applying the right colors might draw in traffic, bore viewers or scare some away. They set the mood of a landing page and influence viewer's actions.


  • Optimistic and youthful.

  • Often used to grab a viewer's attention.


  • Energy, Increases heart rate and creates urgency.

  • Often seen with clearance sales and references to food.


  • Creates the sensation of trust and security

  • Often used by banks and business


  • Associated with wealth

  • The easiest color for the eye to process and used with finance or entertainment websites

  • Aggressiveness

  • Used as a call to action and attention grabber


  • Romantic and feminine

  • Used to market products and services for woman and young girls.

  • Soothing and Calm

  • Often relates to beauty or anti-aging products and services


  • Powerful and Sleek

  • Seen as luxurious and sophisticated